This session we conclude our study with Jonathan Evans, “Fighting Your Battles”, We have learned many different perspectives and realities through the series to help us through our way in life, todayRead More…
Prepare for the Forecast
This week we continue the series of Fighting Your Battles by Jonathan Evans. This week we learn about preparation for our future. We might think we have things under control and areRead More…
From Safe to Faith
As we continue in the study with Jonathan Evans, “Fighting Your Battles”, we come to recognize that there will be battles in this life. That battles in this life do not simplyRead More…
Fighting God’s Way
This week we continue in the study “Fighting Your Battles” by Jonathan Evans. After the last two weeks we learned about how the battles are real and the position of God inRead More…
Above Your Battle
This session we continue in our series “Fighting Your Battles” by Jonathan Evans. This week we look at our battles from a different perspective. Following God doesn’t necessarily protect us from life’sRead More…
Understanding the Battle
This week we begin a new study session called “Fighting Your Battles” by Jonathan Evans. We will watch a Right Now video session each week and have our discussion based on theRead More…
The Process
This week we conclude our study with Benjamin Windle on “Rebuilding Your Inner World”. This life is a challenge and it will take effort on our part to live it out. TheRead More…
The Anxiety
We continue with session 2 of “Rebuilding Your Inner World, by Benjamin Windle, and facilitated by the RightNow Video study. There are a couple of key goals we have each week, andRead More…
The Persona
We begin a new series this week titled “Rebuilding Your Inner World”, and will utilize the resources on RightNow media for the video introductions of each session. The open dialog is capturedRead More…
Effective for God
In this weeks session, God wants You to be Effective, we finish up the series of the Game of Life with Tony Dungy and James Brown. A powerful conclusion about many ofRead More…