Revival Time
Revival Time In this lesson we discover all the elements of a true biblical revival. The headline and sub-heads of The Denver Post, dated January 20, 1905, read as follows: “Entire cityRead More…
Revival Time In this lesson we discover all the elements of a true biblical revival. The headline and sub-heads of The Denver Post, dated January 20, 1905, read as follows: “Entire cityRead More…
Loving the Ones You Hate In this lesson, we discover that spiritual needs are often not met because of prejudices based on external factors. A strange paradox sometimes exists with religious people.Read More…
How many times has a single event, or an unfortunate failure, in a person’s life defined his or her life from that point on? Why is it that we are so hesitantRead More…
This lesson shows that sometimes God allows us to be stripped of every provision so that we’ll see our one true resource—Himself. We have heard it said before, there are no atheistsRead More…
This lesson demonstrates how and why God is willing to discipline His children in order to teach them and bring them to maturity. Jonah discovers not only that God prepared a ministryRead More…
This weeks lesson in Jonah reveals how the unguarded heart of a believer can become callous and uncaring. Jonah’s sin and uncaring attitude put the very lives of those around him inRead More…
The Book of Jonah is one of the most incredible books in the Bible. It is filled with mystery and intrigue. And yet it is a book that has taken a greatRead More…
I remember as a child, and even into my adult years, that I have nobody. There were many times when a feeling of utter loneliness would well up within me. It wasRead More…
Everyone is looking for happiness in our world, but few find it. Those who set big goals and achieve them often find that success doesn’t bring the happiness it promised. True joyRead More…
An Eye for an Eye 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, woundRead More…